Beth Anne's note: I’m so excited that Brittany is sharing her strategies for growing a Facebook page today. For more in-depth tips on growing your Facebook page, be sure to check out her new ebook Strategies Worth Sharing! *Affiliate link
On a scale of 1-10, how frustrated are you with Facebook right now?
Probably an 11, right?
Seems like every time we bloggers turn around, Facebook is changing it's algorithm again. And as if it weren't difficult enough to get people to interact with our content before, Facebook has to go and change everything, making an already frustrating process even more impossible than before.
It's gotten to the point where many bloggers I know have jumped ship. They've pretty much abandoned their Facebook pages and gone elsewhere, hoping Instagram, Periscope or Snapchat will be the next big thing.
So, are you ready for some good news?
The good news is that you CAN get great Facebook reach. You can get people interacting with your content, and you can get those Facebook fans clicking over to your site as well.
All without paying a dime. Or tearing your hair out in the process.
How do I know? Because I've done it.
My name is Brittany and I'm the blogger behind the Equipping Godly Women Facebook page (which currently has more than 140,000 followers), as well as author of the book Strategies Worth Sharing: How I Grew My Facebook Page from 5,000 to 100,000 in Five Months.
It's a lot of fun running a page with over 140,000 followers. It's even more fun knowing that I can share one of my own blog posts at any time and get tons of traffic headed right back to my site.
So, how did I do it? (That's the million dollar question, right?)
Well, I can tell you what I DIDN'T do. I've never paid a dime for a single one of my followers. I've never boosted a post. I don't do like-for-like threads to artificially increase my numbers.
My blog stats honestly aren't all that impressive. It's not like I have this huge site that's sending waves of traffic to Facebook.
Honestly, it all comes down to hard work, plenty of time, and of course the strategies I share in my book, Strategies Worth Sharing, three of which I'm sharing with you today! (For all the rest, you'll have to get the book 😉 )
Now, these three strategies might seem a little simplistic. A little obvious even. But don't be fooled. There's a difference between knowing that you're supposed to do them and actually diving in and really doing them–and that one little step really can make all the difference.
Are you ready? Here we go.
1. Narrow in on Your Ideal Fan
The Internet is FULL of content and you have a lot of competition. Why should someone visit your page and scroll through all of your posts when they could just as easily scroll through 100 other pages in their needsfeeds or simply hop on Pinterest for a while? (Do you know?)
No, if you want to create a page that people will love enough to come back to again and again, you have to create a page that is just perfect for them. Don't settle for a page where your audience thinks half of your content is interesting, and the other half is kind of blah.
You want a page that makes your ideal fan say “Wow, this page is awesome! It's like it was created just for me!” A page where they can't help but check back everyday and interact. Where they look forward to and actually get excited about seeing your content in their newsfeed.
Do this by getting crystal clear on your target audience: Who are they? What do they like? What do they need? What challenges do they face? Why do they get on Facebook? What are they looking for when they visit your page?
The more specific you can get, the better.
Don't worry about excluding people the more narrow you get. It's far, far better to have 100 fans who LOVE your page and can't get enough of it because it's perfect for people like them than 1,000 fans who barely know who you are because they ignore half your content. Seriously.
For example, having a “parenting” page isn't enough. Is your page for parents of toddlers or teenagers? Conservative Midwestern parents or fun-loving hippy parents? Parents who need encouragement or parents who need a place to escape from the kids for a while? All parents or just moms?
Get specific.
(By the way, there's a whole section in my book, Strategies Worth Sharing, all about how to get the right people to like your Facebook page. Because you don't want just any people–you want your people.)
2. Post Only the BEST Content
Once you've gotten super specific about your target reader, create and curate only the very BEST content. Content that your followers will LOVE. That they won't be able to help but share. Content that they'll be thinking about all day. Content that they'll tell their spouse about later that evening–or even two months down the road because it stuck with them so much.
How do you find content like that? That creates such a strong reaction in your target follower?
Well, first you have to know your follower. What does she struggle with? What does she need? What keeps her up at night? What is her biggest concern, her loftiest goal and her secret dream?
(If you don't know and you're just starting out–you can make this up yourself. Post the kind of content to attract the type of follower you're looking for. Or if you've already established a bit of a following and you don't know–ask them!)
When every. single. post. of yours speaks directly to your target reader, you'll absolutely keep them coming back for more and more! And they won't just skim your posts real fast either. They'll read them, share them, and bring all their friends. And that's where incredible growth happens.
(p.s. Wondering where to find AMAZING content? Strategies Worth Sharing includes a chapter on how to spot amazing content as well as a list of 15+ places you can find it. Figuring this out not only dramatically improved the quality of the content I was sharing, but it saved me a TON of time too.)
3. Be Social
Facebook is called social media for a reason–it's supposed to be social!
People don't hop on Facebook first thing in the morning because they can't wait to read about the new blog post you published this morning. They don't line up on the sidewalk to be the first to hear about your latest products and promotions.
No, they get on Facebook to connect with friends and family.
So if you want people to connect with you, you have to be like their friend–their family.
Talk about things that normal people talk about, and in the way that normal people talk about them.
Normal people don't get on Facebook and shout “READ MY LATEST BLOG POST! BUY MY PRODUCTS PLEEEEEAAAASE!” They talk about things. They have conversations. They're social.
When someone comments on one of your posts, comment back! Ask a question. Start up a conversation. Get to know them. Get them talking.
Don't ask insincere questions just to ask questions. That's awkward and your followers can see right through it. Be real. Be genuine. Be social.
No one wants to be friends with someone who only wants to talk about themselves or who has ulterior motives. Don't be that person. Your followers will see right through it and they will head the other way fast. Be a real friend.
Alright, there are three solid tips for you. Master these three tips and you'll already be way ahead of the competition (and that's a good place to be).
Because, honestly, Facebook isn't trying to kill your page. They want you to do well, so you come back again and again and bring your followers with you. That's a win-win-win for everyone involved.
But with limited space in the newsfeed, and that space shrinking all the time, only the BEST pages are going to find a spot in it. Will yours be one of them? That's up to you.
So, are you ready to stop spinning your wheels with Facebook and finally create an AWESOME page that converts into real, devoted readers who love your blog?
Be sure to check out my book, Strategies Worth Sharing, for a TON of very useful and actionable information you can use to grow your page too.
In it, you'll find:
- Why the declining Facebook reach is a GOOD thing
- The “can't miss” trick that can easily score you HUNDREDS of New Facebook fans
- The common blog practice that is killing your engagement (don't do this!!)
- How to get your fans to like, comment, click and share
- One easy trick that can literally save you HOURS on Facebook
- And so much more!
Two and a half years ago, Brittany started blogging on a whim because her friend started a blog and she thought “it looked fun.” Little did she know it was a decision that would change her life forever.
Today, Brittany is a busy work-at-home mom , trying to balance working, being a good wife and taking care of three VERY energetic (but completely adorable) little ones. When she isn't busy working on her site, Equipping Godly Women, or cleaning up the box of cereal the toddler dumped all over the floor AGAIN, you can probably find her on Facebook, catching up on the latest blog news and eating way too many cookies.