Mamaprenuer: Kati Kiefer
Business: True Couponing
Facebook: True Couponing
About Kati:
Kati Kiefer is a Christian, homeschooling mom of 4 who loves cats, sports, Disney, playing card games and binge watching family movies on Netflix.
About Kati’s Business:
Kati's blog, is a family-friendly, faith-based finance blog with a mission to teach ladies how to easy save money and bless others out of their abundance.
Why did you decide to become a Mamaprenuer?
“While I've been a blogger for 7 years, I didn't actually realize I was a mamapreneur until January 2016 when my business was failing and I didn't know why. It has taken almost 11 months to restructure everything and start making a profit (yep, October 2016 was the first profitable month).”
What is the greatest challenge you’ve experienced in your business?
“Cutting tasks and regular articles that don't matter to my readers. I felt like, ‘If I love it all, why wouldn't they?'”
How did you overcome that challenge?
“I bit the bullet and prayed for God's grace to give me a heart for my reader instead of insisting on my own selfish wants and needs. I'm still learning how to balance the things I like to write about with the articles that make money.”
What is your greatest win as a business owner?
“You would think acquiring two regular segments on our local Fox TV station was my greatest “win” because it is the most visible and best looking on my resume, but the biggest win that allowed us to stay in business was launching my own ecourse. So, in case you are wondering… no, TV does NOT pay and it does not make you successful or necessarily help your company (in other words, it is not free advertising, it is just content for THEIR show and something neat your Mom can tell her friends).”
Describe your ‘day in the life’.
“Devotion first, coffee next, check & respond to email, texts, and Facebook messages, put out fires relating to the emails, texts, and Facebook messages, shower (if the day permits), write content for the next day, eat lunch, check schoolwork with kids (hubby mostly runs the homeschool right now) and start dinner, attend one (or more) of our children's sporting events, eat dinner then finish the day's tasks.”
What’s your great big dream for your business?
“To get things on auto-pilot. I honestly just want to stop putting out fires and be able to have a regular schedule of writing, making helpful videos for my readers and seeing/teaching my kids more.”
Share a tip with your fellow Mamapreneurs.
“Learn how to delegate, in work and home life. I taught my kids how to do more chores to help out with the housework and I taught my husband how to help me with blog work. You can't do everything and sometimes you have to relinquish the perfectionism in order to gain sanity.”
Share a funny, crazy, or disastrous Mamapreneur moment you’ve had.
“So I went grey REALLY EARLY (like when I turned 20) which means I have a LOT of grey hairs that I cover with dye and highlights. I was invited to do several TV segments, all on one day, relating to saving money on Back to School Supplies, so I went to the hair salon to get my hair done. But, I miscommunicated to my gal and she dyed my hair with pink and white stripes… LIKE A ROCKSTAR! I hated it, my kids hated it, and my husband couldn't even say anything nice to soften the obvious tragedy. BUT THE WORST PART there was no time to get it fixed before the segments started super early the next day. So I pulled back my hair in a bun, added some fake glasses and pretended to look ‘school teacher-y'. YIKES!”