On this latest podcast episode, Beth Anne talks with JoAnn Crohn of NoGuiltMom.com about building email lists and using Facebook Ads to do it!
Beth Anne loved hearing how JoAnn shifted her products and their messaging to get better results (her new focus and WHO her courses and products are for is absolutely genius in Beth Anne's book!) and then used Facebook ads to get the right people on her list and sell more of her fabulous digital products, like her sibling adventure pack!
Beth Anne just had the chance to get an update since she first interviewed JoAnn 2 weeks ago, and she's now scaled up her successful campaigns to the point where she's making more in a week in profit from her ads than she does from a launch to her list.
Beth Anne cannot sing the praises of ads done right enough. And that's the key … when done right … they can be such a powerful tool for growth in your business!
If you've tried ads before (JoAnn tried them for years before joining the intensive!) don't count them out just yet. One of Beth Anne's favorite things is taking a student who's tried ads, ads managers, ads courses, and everything else, and never got them to click, because lovely, we WILL get them to click in the intensive!
The other fun thing we chatted about was how much easier it is to build her list full of the right people now. In the past, JoAnn was at the mercy of blog traffic, and sometimes the posts that are super popular and bring in the most email subscribers, are NOT the posts focused on the topics that JoAnn cares about most and has products around.
Her email list was stagnant for a long time, because her science experiment email subs would just grab her freebie and go. With ads, she's bringing in subscribers who care about sibling togetherness or tackling homework, and they're sticking around and BUYING! Ads allow you to get in front of the right people, even if Google and Pinterest aren't letting you show up in front of those people with your content.
Audience blends are something we talk about a lot in the intensive, because you'll learn how to create the perfect audience recipe so you're targeting the exact right person… and not using the same audiences that every other Facebook advertiser is using. Beth Anne and her students and have come up with so many unique recipes, and they work so well!
If anyone has tried to convince you that Lookalike audiences are the only way to go with ads, just know that Beth Anne's students do amazingly well with cold interest audiences too — and it's all because they know exactly how to pinpoint the perfect person to target.
Go listen to JoAnn's episode, and then don't forget to apply for the next round of the Ads Intensive. You're going to love it!
On the Podcast:
4:40 – JoAnn Crohn’s Journey to Starting Her Own Business
7:30 – Homework 911 Helps Kids Take Responsibility for Their Routine
10:20 – A Successful Product Has a Unique Selling Point That Sets It Apart
11:05 – Courses for Kids Hit Home with Parents
14:30 – JoAnn Created a New Product to Help Build Her Email List
16:50 – Pivot Your Product Instead of Giving Up on It
18:00 – Parents AND Kids Want Something to Look Forward to Every Day!
18:25 – JoAnn's Return on Ad Spend + How She's Building Her Customer Base
19:15 – Adding a Bump Offer to your Products + JoAnn's Results
20:50 – Building a Targeted Email List + Making an Upfront Profit with Ads
23:00 – Providing a Physical Product (Not Just a Printable!) Will Serve JoAnn’s Customers Better
24:28 – Listening to Your Audience to Make your Products Better
25:00 – JoAnn’s Motto is “Fail Fast!”
26:20 – Is Insecurity Holding you Back from Launching your Products?
27:45 – JoAnn’s Sibling Journal Beta Launch Yielded $3K in Revenue
28:50 – Preparing for Launches Should Include List Building!
30:00 – Freebie to Tripwire Leads Helped Build JoAnn’s List
32:00 – Prelaunch Strategies Get People on Your List Excited
34:40 – JoAnn Constantly Prunes Her List to Make Sure She’s Communicating with Customers Who LOVE Her Product
38:25 – JoAnn Uses Facebook Ads to Target Cold Audiences
40:20 – When It Comes to Facebook Ads, Different Strategies Work for Different Businesses
42:35 – JoAnn’s No-Guilt Mom Moment!
Click right here to grab JoAnn's free sibling adventure log!