What do you love about working with Beth Anne?
Beth Anne is a rare person for several reasons that also make her a truly delightful boss, or better explained, Team Leader. She is who she is. There's not a different Beth Anne behind the scenes; she is truly the passionate, kind, generous, brilliant person she appears to be in all aspects of life. She cares more about people than profit, and her family, her team, and her students and followers matter to her individually, which shows in her communications and all her business dealings. She is honest in her praise and in her critique, which is a quality I not only appreciate but respect. When she doesn't like something, she tells us, which eliminates the guessing game; and when she gives praise there is no doubt she absolutely means it.
My husband's smile–it's genuine and contagious. My children's laughter–it brightens the hardest moments. And this one moment on my drive home when I crest a particular hill and suddenly the valley spreads out below and my whole small town comes into view. It's the moment I know I'm home.